Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today was a selfish day.

At least for me it was. 

My day began promptly at noon (don't worry, I woke up earlier than that... I researched grad schools this morning... more on that later) when I headed to Northeast Mall to get some makeup. I had forgotten that today is the first day of the shopping frenzy that occurs over Memorial Day Weekend. When I entered the mall, my plan was simple: go directly to Dillards, purchase my makeup (only the thing that I came for, none of the other things they would convince me that I needed) then head straight back to my car and leave. However, as is the case with most of my plans, that's not really how it went. I couldn't pass up ALL of the sales, that would just be wasteful...? And luckily for me, I am unfamiliar with this mall, so I was on the complete opposite side of where I needed to be. That means I got to walk by almost every single store in the building. Aaaand then after I got my makeup, I got to walk by them one more time. 5 for $25 is a great deal (and Victoria's Secret only has that sale like, 18 times a year)! 40% off, sure, why not? Don't get me wrong, I didn't break the bank by any means, but I spent a lot more than I needed to/should have. Moral #1 of the story: The mall is a trap!

After I made my way around what may have been every baby stroller in Hurst, Texas and left the mall, I remembered a conversation I had with some youth group girls last night about pedicures. Since I had all day to do nothing, it seemed like the perfect time. Across the stoplight from me there was a nail salon, but it looked out of my price range so I decided to hunt down the place Alyssa mentioned to me over by Tom Thumb.

I only get (MAYBE) one pedicure a year. I really don't like people looking at my feet, especially strangers. The whole process of a pedicure is just sort of painful and it tickles. However, in the end I am a teeny bit less self conscious about my feet, so i'll suffer through it occasionally. Somewhere in the midst of the awkward small talk that always happens when getting your nails or hair done, the woman in the next chair and I began discussing graduate school and how I am freaking out about it (I posted about it not too long ago) and as it turns out, her daughter had just graduated from ACU and is going to graduate school in the fall. She told me not to worry, I would figure something out. Then, as she went to leave, she paid for me, and told me to also get my nails done. As she walked out the door, she added "you'll finish college eventually!" (However, she did not rant about my ravishing beauty, nor did any elderly patrons of the establishment.. that was rather disappointing) 

That made my entire day. The same day that was spent rather selfishly ended with a small act of kindness and selflessness from a stranger that gives me hope for the world. And the woman doing my nails was baffled too (When she realized what was going on... I think she was under the impression that this lady was my mom). So I guess now I should pay it forward.

Also, Ben will be here in less than 24 hours! How exciting.

- Steph

(Wow this was long... but i'm not apologizing...)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry Steph, your blog posts will never be too long. They always leave me satisfied and smiling (reference!).

    And if you ever get too bummed out by grad school thoughts, just think of how we're going to be famous pop culture bloggers on the side. That's always an instant pick-me-up.
