The advanced psychology statistics final exam is fast approaching.
As well as our 5 page paper that is due when we take our final.
All of the survivors of the exam just laughed when I asked them how it went.
Crying, panic attacks and general gnashing of teeth seemed to be the norm for this class.
Since my time in the library was almost completely useless (albeit enjoyable), my plan for tonight involves finishing my paper and blindly studying until I pass out over my SPSS spreadsheets.
If you don't hear from me again, it might mean that the test got the better of me an I am no longer alive.
...Or it could mean that i'm a bad blogger - either way.
Maybe next year i'll get to laugh at the stats students when they're blissfully unaware what exactly is ahead of them. That's the dream.
- Steph
P.S. Prayers for our whole class would be appreciated, i'm sure. Also for my computer (it tends to shut down when i'm using Windows... soo I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow).